Western Civilization – history and theory

How Christianity influenced the emergence of modern science, technology and economy

book reviews and synopses      philosophy and theology      other texts

March 2015 – I am presenting a summary of a very interesting book on secularization in 19th-century Europe. This was a period when secularization accelerated on many fronts. Besides, I am constantly working with AI, and the conversations I published here in February could be substantially expanded. However, I am currently focused on updating my text on information as a measure of the process of historical modernization. Thanks to the advanced capabilities of OpenAI’s new models, I now have a much deeper understanding of information measurement methodologies and their application in historical research. AI, for example, can perform an incredible amount of archival research in half a day and synthesize it into a structured report, citing all sources.

recent, recommended (texts are available in Polish, some in English)

(03.2025) PL summary of the book – Hugh McLeod, Secularisation in Western Europe, 1848 – 1914

(01.2025) ENG chapter  – Ekelund R., Hébert R., Tollison R., The Political Economy of the Medieval Church

(01.2025) ENG article  – d’Avray David, The Medieval Church as an Economic Production Firm?

(01.2025) ENG, PL information – Iannaccone, Ekelund, The Medieval Church from the Perspective of the Economics of Religion

(01.2025) ENG new translation – Western Civilization and Time: Main Idea and Synopsis

(12.2024) ENG paper – The West’s Journey Beyond Death: Eschatology, Ammortality, and Potential Exhangeable Identities

(12.2024) ENG, PL chapter – Ernst Benz and 19th-Century Transhumanism

(07.2024) PL article – The Amount of Information Produced in European History as a Measure of Modernization

(11.2023) ENG book – On the Evolution of Western Civilization    (version 1.7.2.  2023, Nov.)

(2014)  PL analysis – (still relevant) Russia, the world’s misfortune


My book from 2012, Western Civilization and Time. Western civilization is challenging death—not with fanfare, but steadily, step by step. The driving force behind this process has been the transformation of time into one of the most important values, a process that has been unfolding for centuries. The value of time is evident in the cult of speed, the cult of youth, and the growing demand for longer life. Pursuing these priorities consumes an ever-increasing share of GDP. How did this come about? What comes next? This book explores these questions. It was downloaded from my website 45,734 times between 2012 and 2014.

Christianitas and the European Phenomenon

The European Phenomenon – this term is used in the history studies to describe the civilizational flourishing of Europe, which had started in the 11th-12th centuries. Over the next few hundred years, we had surpassed other civilizations both economically, technologically and in science, even though previously they were much more developed than us. I am carrying out the project on the role of Christianity in the creation of this phenomenon. Three areas have been selected for the study:  science, technology and Western market economy. Several parts of the book are available here..

Other texts

Papers on Western civilization, theology, philosophy and political science, e.g.: western death taboo ● philosophy of science and theory of civilization ● historiography of science and religion ● islam and Russia vs the West ● sense of guilt in the early modern Western culture ● optymistically on the necessity of evil ● meaning of life paradoxes ● history of medieval technology (agriculture, mills, merchant ships). Finally, a choice of my works in Soviet studies from 80. Some texts are available in English


Reviews, essay reviews, synopses of books: history and theory of science (E.Grant, H.Butterfield, S.Jaki, S.Shapin, A.Whitehead) ● history and theory of civilization (P.Chaunu, R.Duchesne, E.L.Jones, J.Kłoczowski, J.Delumeau, D.Landes, R.Wright, M.Simon, T.Woods, R. Wright) ● history of technology (M.Taylor, A.Pacey) ● history of IT (G.Dyson) ● Philosophy of religion (A.Plantinga) ● history of modern physics (B.Greene). Titles in the original languages.

On photography

Some texts on photography and film editing. How to make family videos which won’t be boring to viewers, while their editing work won’t consume all of your time. Additionally, reviews of TV sound bars and home cinema audio systems. Lastly, few papers on making panomara stitching, tests of cameras, etc. 


Ebook “(Un)-Real Socialism” written with my late friend. One of the few global theories accounting for the communism phenomenon. The work hotly discussed both in Poland and in the Western sovietology circles. Some chapters are available in English The book has been downloaded 11993 times in 2013 (plus 34 281 times individual chapters)

From 2017 to 2023, I collaborated with Jacenty Siewierski, the author of an outstanding work on the Christian roots of our civilization. He had his own subpage, Why Europe?, on my portal, where this book is also available. With great sorrow, I share the news that my friend Jacenty passed away on September 24, 2023.

contact: adres-mail-gmail-9520